Well, I suppose you can say that as a senior I should be beyond the Procrastination phase of my life, but alas, it was Christopher Columbus day, and I spent the gorgeous day off, in the library researching and writing my paper. The worst part is, of course, I knew about the assignment since day one of school! Really Emily? weak
performance on my part. While I feel as though the general assignment came out just fine, I could have done ten times better given the amount of time I had to prepare the assignment. Oh well, you live and you learn I suppose.
On a happier note, my mom came up to visit this weekend! Well, technically she came up to visit my sister, who lives about twenty minutes away, but she stopped in Boston to pick me up and took me to the Cheesecake Factory that my sister works at! After getting to see my sister and having a tasty meal, my mom and I took a walk on the Wakefield Lake, which is beautiful, before I hopped on a nearby commuter rail and headed back to the city. My sister and Mom were headed to Maine for a short vacation, and I will admit I am terribly jealous.
So... what else is new?? I applied to a program with
Americorp! For those unfamiliar, it is a one year, domestic (in the US) program that is dedicated to service. I applied for three specific programs, one of which I am really hoping to be able to participate in, which evolves educating others about the environment. Anyway, I have always wanted to participate in
Americorp or the
peacecorp, so this opportunity would truly be a dream come true.
DON'T FORGET: The third Presidential Debate is TONIGHT at 9pm! This is the last debate planned before the election November 4
th-so get with it, register to vote and be an informed voter!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend-this Saturday in Boston Is the Pumpkin Festival put on by Life is Good which benefits Camp Sunshine so if you are near the city you should check it out!