Tuesday, February 10, 2009

back in the groove

Well, its Feb now, so i suppose its time to get back in the groove of things, which I finally am. I am back up to about thirty hours a week at the Starbucks I work at, as well as my ten hours a week here and I am up to three work-outs a week, though I will be up to four or five by the end of the month... you have my word! haha...
I have to say, I love the city's ability to offer so many opportunities. I was able to hop a train last night and meet up with my sister and do a new kind of Yoga class, A-Z method, in Newburyport at the Metro Rock climbing gym. This yoga was a core intensive class, meaning that i left already feeling pain and she said that it should hurt the worst tomorrow, (two days after) so I am looking forward to that. I plan on going again next week, because it was a great workout, despite the pain I currently feel.
So I have been applying for jobs because I am looking for a change and generally dis-agree with everything the company has been becoming. So today, I have an interview at Banana republic today in Fanuiel Hall and I applied to The Museum of Science last week. While I was at the museum I was tempted to explore forever, due to my love of science.I love the stars and space and have every intention of getting a telescope, especially because it will be amazing to have in Idaho, in the woods. It is something that I would love to learn more about. I also applied to be part of the "green team" at Fenway this summer, which would be awesome because I could be outside all the time, watch red sox games and help people recycle. Sounds like a perfect gig to me. I am also hoping to work at a Marina.
I can't wait much longer for spring to get here, the cold is making me crazy. I need to be outside in the sunshine and I hate having to wear a coat! Well, I guess thats all thats new and happening in my life.
peace love and happiness!