So i graduated college with a plan to move to small town Idaho and participate in the McCall Outdoor Science School through Americorps. So now here I am, living in a state park and learning how to be a field instructor and how to teach 5th and 6th graders information that is new or refreshed for me!
I suppose I should start with the journey out here and the removal from my past life before I get into the details of my newly formed existence. So here it is, Leaving Boston was one of the scariest and exciting moments of my life. I may have cried harder than I ever have before, and I still have moments when I wish I had never left.... but I love it
here and I think that McCall may be one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life, and I feel so so lucky to be here. That being said, The road trip here was most likely the best experiences of my life.
My sister and I started in Boston and made a 5 day 3500 mile trip through a good chunk of the country. We got to stop and say hi to friends in Waterloo Michigan and Chicago, which was an awesome way to start the trip out! After that we headed north to Wisconsin to raft the Wolf river out of Shot Gun Eddy rental shop.... this was the craziest experience of my life, we were given directions down the river with an inflatable raft and four 4x6 pictures, all while getting distracted my five week old kittens. Anyway, from there we headed to Utah by way of minnesota, south dakota ( and yes we stopped at Wall Drug, sadly), and Wyoming! Oh yeah, we took a pit stop at Mount R
ushmore also! After utah it was Idaho here we come!

So I got dropped off in McCall and was surprised at just how beautiful it is, we are amidst the Rocky Mountains and right on this beautiful lake that we have 24 hour access to and I can't describe how lucky I feel to live here. Most of us got here early to get out wilderness first aid training and we all hit it off right from the start. Now we are three weeks into training and I feel as though I have known some of these people for years.
Five days of our training was hiking through the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness area. I have never been backpacking before But I will defiantly be going again! It was challenging and amazing. I have never felt so accomplished and lucky in my life. 30 miles in two and a half days! Now we are getting all our materials on how to teach these children and getting our first assignments and I feel like I am starting to get more comfortable, but I am still really nervous to get started. I know that even if I am not 100% ready when that bus full of students show up, that I have an awesome team to work with and the support I need to get through it and improve for the next week.
I am excited for this learning oppertunity and to see where this
path in life takes me!