Tuesday, April 28, 2009

4 years, 8 semesters, 39 classes, and 125 credits later... this is what I have learned....

1.) The esplanade is one of the most beautiful places in the city. An ambassador showed it to me my sophomore year, and I showed it to a freshman ambassador this year. Every thing goes full circle and the beauty of it makes me have hope for the world.
2.) Walks around the city with various good friends have made most of my favorite memories
3.) When you are walking through the rain there is no reason not to run through a fountain.
4.) You are never too old to go apple picking... just don't drop the apples in the middle of a busy intersection after spending all day getting them
5.) The commuter rail brings you to some lovely places... take advantage of it.
6.) Pandora is best way to listen to music.
7.) You can do anything that you set your mind too....but you can only do so much and do it well... Choose what makes you the happiest and do it better than anyone thought you ever could.
8.) If you try hard enough… you can almost always find free food or someone who wants to use their meal plan on you ;) Thanks for everyone who has supported me on cafe food when I needed or wanted it... I love and owe you all...
9.) Alcohol is over rated.
10.) Buying movie passes at the hub and waiting ten days to see a movie says $$... Totally worth it.
11.) Their is beauty in everything and everyone... it's up to you to find it.
12.) Nothing compares to the smell of the ocean...
13.) Zipcar is worth having when you turn 21.
14.) You never know unless you try.
15.) Get involved with community service.
16.) Stay strong in your beliefs and never let anyone compromise your comfort.
17.) Look at the stars.
18.) Get a pair of rain boots with a fur or wool lining… they just became snow boots.
19.) Don’t waste your time or money on umbrellas

20.) College night at fire and ice is amazing.
21.) Running through the commons barefoot in the rain is incredible fun... though probably not overly recommended.
22.) Believe in yourself.
23.) Never be scared to try something new or meet new people... they may be your best friend or your soul mate... and it may lead to the most amazing adventure.
24.) If you are going to go on Spring break... go someplace warm, with a large group of people you love, and rent a condo.... its cheaper than a hotel and you can buy food to make at home... far superior to having to live in a hotel. Breathe the culture and explore everything about where you go. I went to Puerto Rico. Best week of my life. I hiked to the top of the rain forest and have never felt more alive.
25.) Don't lose contact with the people who make you who you are. They are your soul mates... and they can heal you when you feel broken.
26.) Have a pen pal. Or take the time to hand write a note to someone you love.
27.) Take advantage of every opportunity.
28.) Hug your friends.

29.) Explore. And Discover.

30.) Try Thai food. And Sushi. And Indian food. And anything else you have never tried.

31.) Lay in the Sun…. but wear sunscreen.

32.) Go to class. Take copious notes. Professors are far more likely to 1. Help you when you need it if you have gone to class. 2. Test on what they lectured.

33.) Find the beauty in the everyday

34.) Retailmenot.com if you like to shop online…

35.) Steep and cheap.com … if you like the outdoors.

36.) Write down your memories.

37.) Write a note to the month. Set expectations for it to live up to.

38.) Take road trips.

39.) Be yourself.

40.) Get a tattoo… if you want one.

41.) Go salsa dancing.

42.) Dance… everywhere and anytime you can.

43.) VOTE

44.) Visit your friends in their hometowns.

45.) Leave the City on occasion.

46.) Make a resume early, and always update it.

47.) Enjoy the simple things.

48.) Don’t judge others.

49.) Get involved. Thank you to all the friends I have made though PC, PAO, TA, SU101TA, RCC, OL, and whatever else I have dipped my hand into… (PC-program council, PAO- Performing Arts Office, TA-Trustee Ambassador, SU-101 Teachers assistant, RCC-Residence community council, Ol- Orientation Leaders…)

50.) Everyone leaves home to go to college… or leaves a comfort zone. Don’t be shy, we were all freshman once, and we all knew no-one… say hello to a stranger in your class or in the cafeteria.

51.) Read your horoscope. Then blissfully ignore it.

52.) Look at the weather before you leave your apartment or dorm.

53.) Run. It’s the one thing you can do that will allow you to think about nothing but breathing.

54.) Do yoga. It will center your soul.

55.) Do not eat High Fructose Corn Syrup. And watch King Corn.

56.) Play devil’s advocate.

57.) Eat at the Law school cafe.

58.) Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not good or smart enough, because you are.

59.) When you turn 21… go to the Landing and get a fishbowl… or Guppy bowl. Haha

60.) Study Abroad… it’s the one thing I regret not doing over the past 4 years.

61.) Don’t go home for the first two months of school…. It’s the weekends that you are bored and looking for something and someone to do it with that you make your best friends.

62.) Do ASB-Alternative Spring Break… you will get unbelievably close to people that you have never met before.

63.) Live you dreams and test your borders.

64.) Call your parents.

65.) Appreciate the beauty of where you came from and the person it made you.

66.) Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you really need it.

67.) I changed my major four times… and did a lot of paperwork to do it…

68.) Find the grassy areas in the city

69.) Don’t be afraid to tell your friends, significant others, parents, siblings, or anyone… that you love them.

70.) Visit the seals in front of the aquarium… especially at night…

71.) Remember that what is right and what is true or perhaps best isn’t always the same.

72.) Buy your books online.

73.) Shop at Trader Joes or use peapod.

74.) Make everyday fun. (Your team…)

75.) At the end of your four years in college… no matter where you end up… look back and read your high school year book… the notes people wrote you, what you wrote about yourself and realize how much you have changed, grown, and stayed the same.

76.) Rule #76… No excuses play like a champion.

All that being said… I have had the most amazing four years I could have ever asked for. I feel truly blessed by the lessons I have learned, the people I have met, the memories I have made and the confidence I have gained. I thank everyone who has taken the time to point out my mistakes or appreciate my accomplishment. I thank my parents, friends and family for believing in me and helping me accomplish all that I have. If I could go back tomorrow and be moving into 10 Tremont again I would be in a heartbeat. I remember my first day I moved in and went out with the family, upon returning I told my mom to just get in the car and take me home. Looking back that makes me laugh because if I had really done that, I would have missed the best four years of my life. Now I am sitting here, 16 days away from graduation wondering where the time has gone. I want to say a special thank you to the Undergraduate Admissions office that allowed a shy girl from CT to break out of her shell and become a tour guide. I can’t imagine not giving another tour. Thanks to all of you that have given me the chance to be your tour guide, and allowing me to share what I consider my home, with you. As I move away from Boston and Suffolk, I am leaving a part of my heart here and bringing Suffolk with me forever. It’s been a beautiful four years.


Sara said...

Emily...this was an amazing post and such a wonderful reflection on your years at Suffolk. You should not be thanking us though, we should be thanking YOU. It has been such a pleasure watching you share your love for Suffolk with not only prospective families but also everyone in UGA. I looked forward to the time that you spent in the office and will miss you greatly. You are destined for amazing things, and I consider myself lucky to know you. Best of luck in Idaho! :)

Haley said...

aw Em this was awesome. almost wanted to shed a tear :) Really though, we'll all miss you so much in the office. Its been a lot of fun!!