Wednesday, April 8, 2009

so close!

it's that time of year again... finals! well, kinda. I know its only April 8th(ps. I totally realized that my previous blog was not actually April 1st. opps. /happy April fools day!) but all my final projects are coming up quick! I have big preventions to do, papers to write and tests to study for and it's all going on at once, making it slightly overwhelming. I will admit, its 100% my own fault. At this point, I have know about the majority of them for quite some time now, but have had a minor case of senior-itus making it near impossible to have the motivation to do them, and I work best under pressure! Anyway, there is some serious stress going on and I can't wait to be free... and go to relaxation day next week and get a massage!
On the other side of the situation I am getting really sentimental as my time at Suffolk comes to a bitter sweet close. It really does not seem like that was four years, wow. anyway, I am keeping a promise to myself to save all this mushy stuff for the last blog... so that's all you get for now!

This morning I got to do something new and exciting! I went to a college fair with some of the Admissions counselors. This is a pretty common practice for them, but it was a truly unique experience for me, and some of the other ambassadors who had the opportunity to participate for the first time. I know it sounds really corny, but I really enjoy talking to perspective students, which is probably why I love giving tours so much. I think it is really interesting to be able to connect and gain a new perspective on the admission process. I really enjoy sharing my experiences with all of you, and offering a current student perspective. I know that when I went on campus tours that talking to current students made the biggest impression and helped more than any brochure ever could, so it means a lot to me to be that person for students.
anyway, I think that's really it for now... so until next week.... Happy easter weekend!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Lay on the sentimental stuff! I'm so ready :-)