As for now I would like to reflect on how lovely the past couple of weeks have been...
The sun finally came out to play! thank goodness! This is the third day that has been over 80 this week and I could not be happier! I spent a whole hour and a half reading in the sun on Friday and managed to get a horrid burn on my back... the downside to reading in the sun... and I had a razor back shirt on so that night at the Spring Ball quite a few people found humor in my patterned skin tone. While my back being burnt managed to make me slightly uncomfortable for the following couple of days it did not stop me from enjoying the sun even more! beside having to work Saturday afternoon, I spent the whole weekend outside!!!!!!! Truly, if I were to have a theme song it would most likely be "She's only happy in the Sun" By Ben Harper... due to the truth of that statement. I also got to spend a plethora of time with some of my ambassador friends... which made the weekend even lovelier. Nothing beats salads in the sun followed by Chocolate strawberry frozen yogurt or Boston Beer Works Nachos. yummy.
So, I have to say that the majorities of the past few weeks have been filled with late night walks in the warm spring air and good friends. Whitney, Allison, TJ and I have found ourselves wondering the streets and walking the Esplanade more nights than not due to the new spring air and the refreshing qualities of grass and good company. These night have been so lovely that they keep a smile on my face and make it harder to think about leaving. Honestly, these are truly beautiful people. Anyway... We are going to live it up tonight in Zipcar fashion... We are getting a Cooper Mini Convertible to cruise around in at midnight... the cars are half price then so why not!? haha

Also, we just had my last Spring ball! I went to eight winter and spring formals... each one was truly amazing! We even managed to gather all the ambassadors who went to take this lovely picture! It was a lovely evening filled with good friends, food, dancing and fun! I can't complain...
I am really going to miss this place...
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